Thursday, December 22, 2016

Two Days Before Christmas

Two days before Christmas
somewhere in the house
I heard a squeak and a rustle,
It must be a mouse!

What to do, what to do!
We had food out galore
For guests who’d arrive
At a quarter past four.

The buffet was spread
With goodies delish.
The fruitcake was chillin’
 In my best serving dish.

Candies and pies,
A stollen so merry,
A gingerbread man
Whose nose was a cherry.

I’d worked so hard
To put out this spread
But if Mouse had her way
I’d soon lose my cred.

My guests would be grossed
If they saw even a trace,
Of Mouse tracks in pudding!
Oh, what a disgrace!

I thought and I thought,
Till a murderous gleam
Lit up my eyes.
I soon had a scheme.

I’d set a trap
Wondrous to behold.
I’d soon catch that Mouse,
So cheeky and bold.

I got out some cheese
And wrapped it in bacon.
Then set up the trap.
My hands were a-shakin’.

I set it so gently
Under that table.
She couldn’t resist,
she wouldn’t be able.

Away I went
And I hid and I waited
Listening for the snap
Of the trap I had baited.

It didn’t take long
Till I heard the loud crack
Of the spring-loaded
Bar of that deadly mousetrap.

I sneaked to the table
And without second thought,
I peered underneath
To see what I’d wrought.

But where was that Mousie
Smacked oh so flat?
With cheese on her lips,
And bacon----that rat!

Oh no! she’d escaped
With her life still intact
She looked daggers at me,
While she finished her snack.

“Why, you little $#/…’
I muttered so low.
She gave me a grin
As she spun round to go.

So I got out the Decon,
Those poisonous pellets.
And set them about
So’s she could smell it.

I soon heard a scratchin’
From where I had set ‘em.
Soon there’d be mouse corpse
Sure as I’m bettin’!

Got out the dustpan
To clean up the mess.
But no Mousie was found!
Now I was obsessed!

I’d kill that Mouse
If it took me all night!
Forgot about my guests
Forgot about my plight…

Bent on vengeance
Against that dang rodent,
I got out the shotgun,
My aim would be potent.

I loaded it up
With bullets so shiny.
Finger on trigger
And aimed for her hiney.

Kaboom! went the gun!
I missed the dang critter!
Kablam! Went the blast,
But I still didn’t hit her!

The bullets were flyin’
As I lost my mind.
And shot up the place
Without even tryin’.

The cops soon were called
And hauled me to jail.
While that Mouse sat and laughed
And waved her long tail.

And I heard her squeak
As I rode out of sight,
“Merry Christmas to all!

Let’s eat tonight!”

by Leslie R.

Image link
Till next time,